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important legislation 2021

SB 103 has passed. It prohibits property insurers from discriminating based on the breed of dog at a property. NIC opposed the bill.  Although the bill passed, amendments were taken to delay the implementation date until January 1, 2022, to allow companies time to file new rates and forms if necessary. 

AB 18  authorizes, but does not require, insurers to offer uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage in amounts that are greater or less than the amount of the coverage for bodily injury provided by the policy and  requires insurance companies to offer the option of covering certain medical expenses in policies that cover motorcycles. 

SB 389, which relates to peer-to-peer car sharing and includes various insurance-related provisions has been signed by the governor.  The insurance provisions are effective May 31, 2021, for the purpose of adopting any regulations and performing any other preparatory administrative tasks that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this act and October 1, 2021, for all other purposes.  

Nevada Insurance Council

1880 E. Warm Springs Road, Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV  89119
(702) 798-5156 x206